Scientific Trends in the Study of Nonaddictive Rare Cannabinoids
Cannabinoids are natural compounds isolated from the cannabis plant. The two most common cannabinoids are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is a psychoactive ingredient in cannabis that can give people a high. There is already a great deal of information available about THC and its derivatives, so this blog will focus on the lesser-known cannabinoids and the main medicinal benefits of cannabinoids discussed
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OLED是OrganicLight-Emitting Diode的缩写,即有机发光二极管,又称为有机电激光显示、有机发光半导体等,这是一项由柯达公司开发并拥有专利的显示技术。有机发光材料通常分为三类:小分子材料、高分子材料和稀土类发光材料。目前,有机发光材料大致上可以分为以美国柯达
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消防培训进企业 筑牢安全“防火墙”
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